An issue of debate is whether or not race is biological or a social construct. Meaning, is there anything biological that ties two people of the same race together, or was it created by society to lump people together. And studies have found that there is not a gene, that one race carries over another, and that people of two different races could have a more similar DNA than that of two people of the same race. It puts to rest the ideas or characteristic or stereotypes that come with the construct of race. The idea that all Asians are smart, or all black people are really athletic, there is nothing in genes that make a certain race predisposed to be good or bad at certain things. And you cannot tell a persons race by simply looking at their genetic make up. I think that it is nature for humans to categorize things into groups to make things easier to understand, to help the mind work, but I think it has turned into a negative. Because the individual person and their ideas and culture are overlooked when making broad assessments. Race can even be looked at as a way to divide. A person does not look like me so they are different, when in fact we are all human beings and are connected by a sense of humanity.
Ethnicity is what should be focused on because that is what can be studied or look at. What traditions, knowledge or rituals certain ethnic groups have, or what behavior or social structures they construct. Do certain ethnicity or groups of people that come from specific areas have an identity as a group and share an identity. It can be based on linguistics, religions or culture. The discussion of ethnicity is more a discussion of connectivity between people, and not what divides them. Ethnicity, like culture can shape a person's experience. But ethnicity, and the pride of Ethnic group can have its downside. Like in Bosnia and Kosovo, where the Serbs were united in a national and ethnic pride, and felt superiority over other groups although they shared a linguistic identity, they felt ethnically and culturally different, and carried out genocide. I think that difference between people and what you can learn from others cultures and experiences should be embraced, and i think cultural anthropology helps that understanding move in a positive direction.
Great post.
I thought the way you juxtaposed your Croatian boyfriend's perspective on race with a general American view was strategic and effective. You set up your points similar to how Fish did in the article "Mixed Blood."
I thought this was a great point as well: "Ethnicity is what should be focused on because that is what can be studied or look at."
You've demonstrated mastery of the Race and Ethnicity learning unit.
I believe you did a good job of describing the difference between race and ethnicity. Your example with your boyfreind viewing race differently shows how much culture plays a role in every society. And I very much agree with you when you stated that "Ethnicity is what should be focused on because that is what can be studied or look at." It is the traditions and cultural stuff that is important.
"Race is the concept of dividing people into groups"
"ethnicity is more a discussion of connectivity between people."
This is so true. Race is about what makes us different while ethnicity is about what makes us alike.
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